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Creator Companion

The VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) provides everything you need for creating VRChat worlds and avatars in Unity!


Watch the video below to learn how to get started.

Download It

The Creator Companion is available on the VRChat website. You can always download the latest version directly.


The Creator Companion will be installed into your "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs" folder by default (e.g. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs). You can change this during installation if you like. You can delete the installer once the installation is complete.


  • Unity Hub and Unity must be installed.
    • When you launch the Creator Companion, it checks whether Unity and Unity Hub are installed. If not, it shows you how to install them.
    • If you follow these instructions, you will get the latest version of the Unity Hub and a version of Unity compatible with the VRChat SDK.
  • The Creator Companion supports Windows 10 and 11 (64-bit).
  • To upload worlds and avatars, you must create an account on the VRChat webite.

Unity Editor Versions

The Creator Companion automatically installs VRChat's currently supported Unity version. If you already installed the correct version, the Creator Companion finds it automatically.

Suggesting changes

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  4. And submit a Pull Request to have your changes reviewed and merged into our documentation.

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