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Creator Companion

What Is It?

The VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) is the new Entry Point for creating things for VRChat! It currently includes our new VRChat Package Manager (VPM), and houses official packages, community packages, learning resources, tools, and more!

Download It

The Creator Companion is available at You can always download the latest version from this direct url as well:


The Creator Companion will be installed into your "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs" folder by default (e.g. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs). You can change this during installation if you like. You can delete the installer once the installation is complete.


When you launch the Creator Companion, it checks whether Unity and Unity Hub are installed. If not, it shows you how to install them. If you follow these instructions, you will get the latest version of the Unity Hub and a version of Unity compatible with the VRChat SDK.

The Creator Companion is only fully-supported on Windows 10 (Windows 11 might work but it's not fully tested). The CLI has some functionality on Mac and Linux.

Unity Editor Versions

The Creator Companion requires our currently supported Unity Version. It will automatically try to find it on your hard drive, or it can help you install it.

Suggesting changes

Our documentation is public on GitHub, and we appreciate contributions from our community! Click 'Edit this page' at the bottom of any page to suggest changes.

When suggesting changes, GitHub will ask you to

  1. Sign up for a free GitHub account,
  2. Create a fork of this repository,
  3. Edit the page with GitHub's built-in Markdown editor,
  4. And submit a Pull Request to have your changes reviewed and merged into our documentation.

Thank you for your help!